1991 VH – an Apollo near-Earth Asteroid

1991 VH – an Apollo near-Earth asteroid discovered on November 9, 1991, by Robert H. McNaught at the Siding Spring observatory (Wikipedia). Measurement magnitude: +15.5V. Taken with Meade LX850 16″ SCT, SBIG STT-8300MM, February 22, 2020.

Near-Earth Asteroid (35107) 1991 VH was discovered to be a binary in March 1997, based on its light-curve (IAUC 6607). It made a very close approach to the Earth in August 2008 at a distance of 0.045 AU.

Orbital period: 442 days
Discovered: November 9, 1991
Orbits: Sun
Discoverer: Robert H. McNaught
Discovery site: Siding Spring Observatory
Asteroid group: Apollo asteroid

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