Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, May 30, 2017.

The sky was clear; while transparency and seeing are fair at the time these images were taken.

A further decrease in solar activity was observed. AR2659 is now departing at the Sun’s western limb, away from our sight. Though AR2659 can still be distinguished at the limb, no sunspots were seen; thus it’s counted.

No serious threat for any strong solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME) activity associated with this AR, based on the latest SOHO, SpaceWeather, SIDC, and Solar Monitor reports. The latest sunspot number (as per our visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 10. Some plages, granulation, and a large filament can be seen in the false color H-alpha image.

Overall, solar activity was found to be low at this moment. We’ll keep monitoring for any significant development


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