Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, September 24, 2018.

The sky was clear with light air turbulence making the seeing and transparency good at the time these images were taken.

The visible side of the Sun’s disk still exhibits no visible sunspot groups as very low solar activity persists. No significant flaring activity was recorded. The latest sunspot number (based on visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 0.  Few huge eruptive prominences at the limbs, mostly at the Sun’s northern hemisphere, and tiny filaments across the disk were distinctively captured in H-alpha imagery.

Space weather agencies* forecast solar activity to remain at very low levels with chances of weak X-ray fluxes or flares ranging up to B-class intensity. Close monitoring is being conducted by numerous space weather agencies for any significant development.

*Technical reports courtesy of Solar Influence Data Center (SIDC), NOAA-Space Weather Prediction Center (NOAA-SWPC)

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