Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, August 1, 2017.

The sky was partly cloudy and experienced intermittent light to moderate breeze making the seeing and transparency average to poor at the time these images were taken.

AR2665 has returned into Earth view after about 2 weeks of rotating across the Sun’s far side. It has remain vigorous in flaring activity; observed some B-class to C-class solar activity over the past 24 hours. Space weather agencies will keep a close eye on this AR in the determining the frequency and intensity of flare occurrences, depending on its magnetic flux status in the next few days as it is will move further into Earth view

On the other hand, the plage of AR2669 remains barely visible as it approaches the western limb with very little activity going on.

The latest sunspot number (based on visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 22.

Close monitoring is being conducted by numerous space weather agencies for any significant development.

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