Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, July 10, 2017.

The sky was partly hazy and experienced intermittent moderate to strong breeze, making the seeing and transparency poor at the time these images were taken.

AR2665 has kept on developing more sunspots; indicating its continuous robust activity over the past 24 hours. It released numerous B-class and C-class solar flare activity and is currently encountering a beta-gamma magnetic configuration which could trigger further flaring activity in the coming hours or days. Since it gradually rotates to the central portion (facing towards Earth), these flares could be Earth-directed and might affect radio satellite communications. The latest sunspot number (based on visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 33.

Space weather agencies forecast more impending C-class to possible M-class flare outbursts depending on its possessing magnetic flux in the coming hours or few days. Close monitoring is being conducted by numerous space weather agencies for any significant development.

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