Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, July 8, 2017.

The sky was partly hazy but experienced less air turbulence, making the seeing and transparency good at the time these images were taken.

The sky was partly hazy but experienced less air turbulence, making the seeing and transparency good at the time these images were taken.

AR2665 has drastically developed further over the past 24 hours as seen through the rapid emergence of more sunspots. The latest sunspot number (based on visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 26. A C-class solar flare associated with this AR was recorded.

A large prominence over the Sun’s eastern limb near AR2665 was captured on its occurrence in the false-color H-alpha image.

SIDC and NOAA-SWPC forecast a slight increase in solar activity in the following hours or days but still considered low in intensity. Close monitoring is being conducted for any significant development.

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