Here are today’s solar images taken from Al Sadeem Observatory, June 1, 2017.

The sky was clear; while transparency and seeing are good at the time these images were taken.

A new sunspot active region, designated as AR2661, has recently rotated into Earth view at the Sun’s eastern limb which emitted several C-class flares. The latest sunspot number (as per our visual count and Wolf number calculation) is 12.

According to Spaceweather and SIDC reports, AR2661 shall give off some more solar flare activity as it moves further into our view; still being monitored for any significant development.

Some plages and flaring activity can be seen in the false-color H-alpha image. A close-up view of AR2661 was also captured.

Overall, despite of the emergence of the new AR, solar activity was found to be low at this moment.

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